Episode #26 From Twitter Spaces to Pharmaceutical Insights

July 18, 2023 00:48:51
Episode #26 From Twitter Spaces to Pharmaceutical Insights
Coffee With Cush
Episode #26 From Twitter Spaces to Pharmaceutical Insights

Jul 18 2023 | 00:48:51


Show Notes

In Episode 26 of 'Coffee with Cush', hosts Aziz and Wahj, alongside guest Maab, a former pharmacist now digital marketing expert, engage in a lively discussion about marketing strategies and the unique insights from the world of pharmaceuticals. They announce their decision to host more organic discussions on Twitter Spaces, while maintaining their white paper discussions on LinkedIn audio. Amidst the conversation, the hosts express their admiration for their US audience, prominent American figures, and even American burgers. The episode concludes with Abdelaziz Musa pointing listeners to their website for further study and insights. Join them for an engaging blend of knowledge, expert analysis, and light-hearted humor.

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